Utility Customer Service
Customer Service: Duties & Responsibilities
Receive and process all utility payments, including walk-in customers and draft billing; process customer queries and request for connections or disconnections; establish new accounts and connections for water, wastewater and sanitation customers and maintain master file accounts. This department also documents and transmits orders pertaining to all utility services, including sanitation, water, wastewater and prepares monthly lists for disconnecting delinquent accounts.
Sign Up for Utility Service
The City provides sanitation, water and wastewater. You may sign up in person or call 361-584-2567 ext. 103 or 105 to set up these services. A link to the utility contract and information on sanitation pick-up are located under the downloadable documents section of this page.
City of Bishop Water Department – Residential Accounts
PO Box 356
Bishop, Texas 78343
Monthly Charges – Residential Accounts:
Water Charges = Base Charge of $22.00 for the first 2,000 gallons, every thousand after that will be $3.68
Sewer Charges = Base Charge of $22.00 for the first 5,000, every thousand after that will be $1.85
Garbage Charges = $27.10 plus tax of $2.24 for one garbage can picked up once a week, for an additional can there will be a monthly fee of $24.54.
**In 2012 the City of Bishop issued $2 million, payable over a 15-year period, through a Certificate of Obligation, to pay for needed work at the sewage treatment plant; sewer system and in the water system to provide you with clean drinking water and sewage services to meet the State Health standards. To repay that debt, there will be a monthly Capital Improvements Charge on each utility bill; $10 per residential accounts and varying amounts according to use on commercial accounts. Thank you for your cooperation.**
Minimum water bill will equal $83.34 for the usage of the first 2,000 gallons.
Payments & Late Fees
Water payments are due the 15th of every month, if the 15th falls on a weekend then you have the following business day to pay without the late fee, after that date a late fee of $10.00 will be applied to your account.
The last date to pay the water bill is on the 25th of every month, if the payment has not been received by that date services will be disconnected and a $25.00 reconnect fee will be applied. If an extension is needed you must notify the office by or before the 25th of the month.
Delma Salinas
Interim City Secretary/ Municipal Court Judge
Phone: (361) 584-2567
Ext: 110
Fax: (361) 459-4080
Email: Delma Salinas